Viion Solutions is managing Mass Care/Emergency Assistance Program that is part of FEMA’s Office of Response and Recovery (ORR).
Mass Care/Emergency Assistance (MC/EA) is the provision of life-sustaining services to disaster survivors as defined in the National Response Framework, Emergency Support Function #6 (ESF #6). Mass Care/Emergency Assistance services are provided by government, non-governmental, and private sector organizations immediately before an incident or a potential incident; during the immediate response to a disaster; and during the recovery phase after a disaster.
The MC/EA Section is responsible for the coordination of seven activities detailed under the mass care and emergency assistance functions of ESF #6. The American Red Cross shares these responsibilities and is the co-lead agency for the mass care component of ESF #6. The seven activities detailed in ESF #6 are:
To support FEMA’s Mass Care/Emergency Assistance (MC/EA) program, Viion Solution’s team helps FEMA manage their National Sheltering System and their Disaster Recovery Center management system. Some key highlights of these systems are: